My 3 Months Experience at DevCareer x Progate

My 3 Months Experience at DevCareer x Progate

Looking at the calendar, I now realize that it’s almost three months since I started learning “web with nodejs” on prograte platform powered by hackSultan and 5 sponsors( Samson Goddy, hoopsomuah, odirionyeo and two anons). About 100 of us were given access to Progate Premium subscription and we were also provided with data for good three months.

The beautiful thing about DevCareer x Progate sprint learning was that each person was allowed to learn on the progate platform at its own learning pace and task was been delegated to us on a weekly basis.

Yea how time flies, The first two weeks I learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript and during the second week of the training the mentor put our newly acquired knowledge to the test individually.

The task assigned to me was to create a Hotel Booking Template by implementing the design in the figma link below;

Figma link:

My live url:

Github url:

Screenshot: Screenshot from 2020-07-30 12-54-30.png

The second project was a group task. The last section was dedicated to the back-end. I learned Node.JS, SQL, and MySQL. The third project was also a group task. Building a Store Manager website, it is a web application that helps store owners manage sales and product inventory records. This application is meant for use in a single store.

So we created an API endpoint for the application using project management tool (Trello) to manage our progress while working on the task. Pair programming is a widely used technique in the real world, so the idea was to get used to it as soon as possible. It was great fun and a big challenge too.

The sprint learning was really great due to the fact that I got to understand the fundamentals and everything one needs to start a career as a coder. I saw the reality of being a programmer through practical experience. The group projects made me brush up on my Git knowledge.

Ooh, I almost forgot that I meet some interesting people likes of, Damilola, Blessing, Elo, Adun and Cecilia. They happened to be my team members who were amazing and still are, even though we had not met before this gave us a sense of familiarity with each other. We worked as a team and ensured that the project came out well.

Words can’t express my appreciation to the program manager Chidi Okoye . Thanks for pushing me to success I’m so grateful.

There is a popular saying that says all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I participated in several games on the game channel, it was really fun even tho I never won #smiles….

One other activity I really enjoyed was the AMA section(Ask Me Anything) where a tech-enthusiast is invited on the slack workspace, and you’ll be opportune to ask the guest any questions.

So, what next after this training? I’m going to create projects for myself and include them in my portfolio because building a portfolio is the most important thing to focus on if one wants to get hire.

While on the job hunt I will keep learning and continuously work on my skills and knowledge till I get a job as a Frontend Junior developer.

I’ll also find groups that convene regularly to work on the skills i’m learning because participating in a community like this was how I met my coding buddies and mentors! When you join a community of like minded individuals, you tend to share ideas, tips and resources together.

So here are my thoughts on what I experienced at DevCareer x Progate sprint learning. I would like to thank the organizer, sponsors, mentors and participants for the great experience, and hope we can meet again and do great stuff together in the future.